Universitat Rovira i Virgili

15 December 2021, inauguration of the commemorative events

On 15 December an open day was held for the whole university community to mark the start of the numerous events planned for the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Arts.

The ceremony began with a speech by Rector María José Figueras, who thanked the Faculties of Arts and Chemistry for being pioneers in the introduction of higher education to Tarragona, given that they laid the foundations so that in due course the current 2021-22 academic year would also be the 30th anniversary of the University as a whole.

Afterwards, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Iolanda Tortajada, unveiled the various events and actions planned to commemorate the Faculty's anniversary and, together with the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Yolanda Cesteros, announced a joint scientific micro-story competition.

The day continued with the talk "Committed photojournalism: denunciation, revolt and freedom" given by the photojournalist Jordi Borràs, and concluded with a concert by the singer-songwriter Espaldamaceta and refreshments served up with electronic dance music courtesy of DJ Calderay.

See the programme