Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Som de Lletres and 50 years logos

Given the need to promote the Faculty's anniversary, in April 2021 CAMU came up with the slogan "Som de Lletres" (We are the Arts). This was turned into a winning logo designed by Marina Troyano. The cheerful, eclectic and modern logo represents all of the different disciplines brought together thanks to the use of the Faculty's corporate colour blue but the same time communicates the diversity of characters, personalities and styles in each area of knowledge by using a different font for each of the letters in the word "Lletres" (Arts).

To incorporate the Faculty's age, the logo was changed from "Som de Lletres" to "50 anys sent de Lletres" (50 years being the Arts) to publicise the anniversary throughout the organisation.

You can find both logos and read the corporate identity manual here.